11. WHO, ECDC and European agencies guidelines

 The World Health Organisation (WHO) works with 194 Member States, across six regions, and from more than 150 offices, striving to combat diseases.  WHO is producing a broad range of resources including advice for the public, technical guidance, media resources, and collating research findings.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world.


 The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is an agency of the European Union aimed at strengthening Europe's defences against infectious diseases. ECDC is providing risk assessments, public health guidance, and advice on response activities to EU Member States and the EU Commission.

A selection of the relevant information from both of these authoritative organisations is included in this section.  

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Joint ECDC-WHO Regional Office for Europe Weekly COVID-19 Surveillance Bulletin 

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WHO resources

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ECDC logo
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 Table of Contents

WHO and ECDC guidelines

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