The volume "The University is community" tells through images the experience of the community psychology students of the Psychological Sciences and Techniques course of the Federico II University of Naples, offering a cross-section of emotions, questions and choices. Italian universities are facing the Covid 19 pandemic by scaffolding their students in virtual classrooms. This photo-booklet highlights the community psychology methods and strategies which witness the students’ strains and strengths. Forced confinement has highlighted the role of the reflective and interactive dimension in the construction of knowledge and scientific acquisition. In fact, the impossibility of contact and face-to-face interaction has highlighted the potential of distance didactic and importance of spaces for sharing and relating. The introduction is by Matteo Lorito, Rector of the University, and the premise is by Gaetano Manfredi, Minister of University and Scientific Research.
Download publication as PDF (in Italian)
The psychological counseling line
The psychological counseling line (which results from a partnership between SPMS and OPP with support from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), has already allowed the service of about 9500 calls - a thousand of which made by health professionals. There are 64 psychologists, who work second scales that work 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Following resources are available on OPP website :
Also check Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses Facebook (Corona)
Documento de Apoio à Prática OPP:
PSIS21 - Edição Especial COVID-19:
Ebooks OPP (gratuitos) :
Outros iniciativas e acções:
May 28, 2020
Suicide prevention is essential during COVID_19 pandemic
The mental health effects of the 2019 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) could be profound, and there are indications that suicide rates will increase, although this is not inevitable. Suicide is likely to become a more pressing concern as the pandemic spreads and has longer-term effects on the general population, the economy, and vulnerable groups . Preventing suicide, therefore, needs urgent consideration.
Los efectos sobre la salud mental de la pandemia por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) podrían ser profundos y hay indicios de que las tasas de suicidio aumentarán, si bien esto no es inevitable. Es probable que el suicidio se convierta en una preocupación más apremiante a medida que la pandemia se propaga y tiene efectos a más largo plazo en la población general, la economía y los grupos vulnerables. Prevenir el suicidio, por lo tanto, necesita una consideración urgente.
Source: INFOCOP online : here
COP ( Consejo General de la Psicología de España) has developed several support guides dealing with scientific information relating to the psychological assessment to different risk groups and audiences affected by COVID-19 infections. They focus on the main disorders caused by this specific CORONVIRUS: anxiety, fear, apathy, sadness, anguish, anger, isolation and worry. Their target has considered group age profiles and health professionals including psychologists.
The creation of these guides is a joint venture between the Ministry of Health and COP( Spanish Psychological Association).
Find here different resources :
Consejo General de la Psicologia de Espana Facebook (Corona)
Recomendaciones psicológicas para explicar a niños y niñas el brote de coronavirus Covid-19
Recursos para mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en estado de alarma por COVID-19
Acciones para la detección de pseudoterapeutas y falsos psicólogos, comunicado del COP
Orientaciones para la gestión psicológica de la cuarentena por el Coronavirus
Recomendaciones psicológicas para explicar a niños y niñas el brote de coronavirus- Covid-19
12.6. Western Europe
Resources & guidance per country
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