EFPA's Corner

News from the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations


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When the content of this edition of the EFPA Newsmagazine was prepared, the war in Ukraine had not yet begun.
Certainly, we are all deeply affected by the images that reach us from Ukraine. There is no question that such an attack as that of the Russian army on the Ukrainian territory is unprecedented in our time. At the end of November 2019, we had a President's Council Meeting in Kiev. It was the final point of a very informative and stimulating European Semester, which our Ukrainian colleagues had invited us to. During different meetings of our boards and standing committees we all experienced the city, the country and the people and strengthened friendships.
Fear, anxiety, anger unite us, as well as the unanimous rejection of this war. We are glad that many national psychology associations have given a clear signal of solidarity with all those who suffer in this war and its consequences.

The EFPA Executive Council called an extraordinary Presidents’ Council meeting on March 3rd, 2022, in accordance with EFPA statutes. The purpose of this meeting was for Member Associations to provide their advice on the next steps regarding the Russian Psychological Society’s membership status, in response to a request from the National Psychological Association of Ukraine for the Russian Psychological Society to be excluded from EFPA, and many communications from our Member Associations. During that extraordinary Presidents’ Council meeting the EFPA Member Associations supported with a 2/3 majority initiating the process of expelling the Russian Psychological Society from EFPA. Based on the non-binding advice of the Presidents’ Council, the Executive Council the same date has decided to launch the process of expelling the Russian Psychological Society from EFPA. This will now proceed to a decision of our General Assembly. Member Associations will therefore be called upon to cast their vote in the decision regarding the Russian Psychological Society’s continued membership during the extraordinary General Assembly to be held on June 1, 2022.  


The March issue of our Newsmagazine once again impressively demonstrates why and how we, as psychologists, are active in and for Europe: there is the dialogue with the next generation of psychologists, the congress of students in Portugal, the urgent questions of sustainability and the international cooperation in this field on the occasion of the congress in Glasgow. And then we would like to take the opportunity to report on our EU projects. Especially in the final phase, it becomes clear once again how much expertise, commitment and effort goes into each of these projects. And besides the news of our member associations, we also take a look at the congress in Ljubljana.  


We all hope that we will see each other there again, safe, healthy and in good spirits.



Christoph Steinebach  

EFPA President

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EFPSA conference held in Porto in Portugal in November 2021

by Nicola Gale, EFPA Vice President


EFPA was delighted to join colleagues from across European psychology to speak at the EFPSA conference held in Porto in Portugal on 24th and 25th November 2021. EFPA joined colleagues from Member Association Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses of the host country, Associate Member the European Community Psychology Association ECPA, and others in talking about the current state and future of psychology in Europe and how it can be harnessed as a force for societal good. 

State of the Art: Where we are and where we want to be”


The Roundtable “State of the Art: Where we are and where we want to be” was moderated by Cinzia Albanesi President of the European Community Psychology Association, the other speakers were Francisco Miranda Rodrigues President of Ordem dos Psicólogos Portuguese, and Nicola Gale, Vice President and Treasurer of EFPA. Questions were considered relating to how psychology is seen, the impact of the pandemic, future societal challenges, and opportunity for students, to name a few.

  • Cinzia's view - Fold out text  

  • Francisco's view - Fold out text  

  • Nicola's view - Fold out text  

All three of us valued enormously the opportunity to engage with EFPSA delegates who expressed their commitment to growing the knowledge base of psychology and delivering in practice to make things better for the citizens of Europe.  


“Contributions of psychological science for evidence-based policies in communities” 

The Roundtable “Contributions of psychological science for evidence-based policies in communities” was moderated by Tiago Pereira member of the Board of Directors of Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses; the other speakers were Maria Vargas-Moniz Researcher of the Executive Committee of the APPsyCI (Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities and Inclusion) at ISPA - Instituto Universitário; Roberto Perez Gayo researcher and policy officer at Correlation - European Harm Reduction Network; and Nicola Gale, Vice President of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations EFPA.  

  • Firstly we hear from Tiago  - Fold out text  

  • Maria’s reflections follow - Fold out text  

  • Nicola's view - Fold out text 

EFPA Presidents Council meeting

November 19, 2021

On November 19, 2021, a virtual Presidents Council meeting took place where the preparation of EFPA’s virtual General Assembly of December 10, 2021 was discussed. Furthermore, information was shared related to the ECP 2022 and EFPA’s planned events during the congress. Other topics handled during the meeting were EFPA’s field of action (European Year of Mental Health and climate Change), the state of affairs of the nominations for the EFPA working groups for the mandate 2021-2023, EuroPsy, psychotherapy and EFPA’s involvement in EU projects. This meeting was again an opportunity for the member associations to share information on what is going on in their association.The next Presidents Council meeting will take place on Friday, May 6, 2022 



EFPA Convenors meeting

November 26, 2021

On November 26, 2021 a virtual Convenors meeting took place where the 2021-2023 working group guidelines and the new templates for workplans and final reports were presented and discussed. The revised guidelines have been put in line with EFPA’s activity agenda for 2021-2023 where the focus is put on two main strategic fields of action, i.e., the European Year of Mental Health and Climate Change. More information was also given on how to prepare, disseminate and use EFPA statements and the current state of affairs of the new EFPA website and the next steps were presented.The next convenors meeting will be held on Monday, November 28, 2022. 


Welcome to Ljubljana!

Tired of online meetings and virtual conferences? If so, we have great news for you! The 17th European Congress of Psychology in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be held in-person. It is time to save the date in your personal calendar, register on our website, and get ready to spend some quality time this summer in Ljubljana, attending the EFPA’s 17th European Congress of Psychology.

This is the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful mid-sized cities and Best European Destination 2022 .  At ECP2022 in Ljubljana, you will meet psychologists from all around the world, make new connections, and exchange knowledge. At the Congress, you will also learn about  the latest developments in the world of psychology and have a chance for professional development.

As psychologists, we know how important it is to socialize and we are happy that at our Congress you will have a chance to socialize in person rather than online. This is one of the reasons why psychologists are super excited about this congress.

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Keynote speakers
The 17th European Congress is not going to be special only because it will be the first psychological congress that will happen in person after quite some time, but it will also be special because of our keynote speakers! These are the scientists who have made groundbreaking research and on the Congress, you will have the opportunity to listen to them while they will be first hand talking about their work. And not only that, you will have a chance to meet them in person, ask them questions, talk to them, discuss with them, and most importantly, to learn from them. 
See here this year's keynote speakers 

Watch a video about the Congress and follow us on our social media
We would like to invite you to watch our teaser video about the congress. In the short video, you will see all that you need to know about the 17th European Congress of Psychology and at the same time, you will see the stunning images of Ljubljana. And don’t forget to follow us on our social media.
Watch video 

Covid updateI
It looks like Covid-19 pandemics is coming to an end. The World Health Organization's (WHO) Europe director says the continent could soon enter a "long period of tranquillity" in the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Hans Kluge cited high vaccination rates, the end of winter, and the less severe nature of the Omicron variant. Speaking to reporters, he said: "This period of higher protection should be seen as a 'ceasefire' that could bring us enduring peace." He also said that he was confident the continent would be in a "better position... even with a more virulent variant" than Omicron (source: BBC news, February 3rd, 2022).


See you in Ljubljana!
Finally, we would like to invite you to register as a participant and join us in Ljubljana! Now you have the opportunity to enjoy the congress by paying the lowest, early-bird fee. The registration form for participants is already open.
Click here to enjoy a special early bird fee 

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Early bird fee extended until March 31, 2022

We have decided to extend the period for the early bird fee! Now you can register as a participant until 31 March and still enjoy ECP2022 at the best price. Click here to enjoy a special early bird fee 

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EFPA’s Corner in EFPA News Magazine of March 2022

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