Upcoming Conferences of
Member Associations

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Please note that due to current situation with regard to COVID-19, events could be cancelled , rescheduled or replaced by online meetings.


More information can be obtained from the organiser.

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French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology (FFPP)   




Mars 27-28, 2020 - Paris Nanterre, France


The issues related to cyberpsychology are numerous and important.


The proposed event has several objectives:

 Encourage the meeting between researchers and practitioners, including between researchers who ignore the work carried out in fields related to theirs because of the novelty of the research in progress;

 Sensitize psychologists, users, institutions to the questions raised by cyberpsychology in a broader way;

 Deepen a more specific theme: remote care;

 Invite to the deontological and ethical reflection which must accompany and support the introduction of cyberpsychology.


With contributions of:

EFPA Board of Ethics (Fredi Lang and Anne Andronikof)

EFPA Project Group eHealth (Tom Vandaele)



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Icelandic Psychological Association 


Psychology Session 2020


April 1-3, 2020 - Reykjavík, Iceland


The address of the keynote speaker, Dr. Krister Fjermerstad, will be titled: " Do I exist in this world, or is it just here?" An update on siblings of children with chronic disorders.  


Children who are next-of-kin to other children, ie, siblings who have brothers and sisters with chronic disorders, have an increased risk of mental health problems. Yet, no evidence-based interventions exist for siblings. In this key note, the risk factors facing siblings are reviewed, and important intervention principles to address the needs of siblings are presented.


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Lithuanian Psychological Association   


Lithuanian Congress of Psychologists 2020: "Experience without borders" 


April 24-25, 2020 - Kaunas, Lithuania


Lithuanian Congress of Psychologists 2020 is organized by the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences together with the Lithuanian Psychological Association.

The upcoming congress is an international event where colleagues from Lithuania and other countries will share their experiences  . Participants, both during congressional and pre-congressional presentations, will have the opportunity to find what is relevant to them, both science news and practitioner-relevant knowledge.   

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German Psychology Society   


38th Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Symposium - the German Psychology Society 


May 20-23, 2020 - Mannheim, Germany


Organization committee is especially pleased to offer an English track at this year’s meeting to encourage internationalization and exchange with researchers, practitioners, and educators from across the world. Two of the keynote speakers will also visit from abroad and give their addresses in English.


The deadline to submit contributions is March 2nd. Submissions in English are strongly encouraged.

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The Keynote is Elena Grigorenko (University of Houston, USA), Language development: Views on its typical and atypical trajectories.



Belgian Federation of Psychologists


Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences


May 26-27, 2020 - Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium


There will be 7 Invited Symposia (cross discipline) 

 Psychosocial development in adolescence

 Thinking gender in psychology outside the men/women comparison paradigm  Memoirs of a memory: From neurons to collective

 The brain in development

 Multidimensional aspects of couple

 Mindfulness-based interventions for vulnerable populations

 Digital health: Opportunities and challenges

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Serbian Psychological Society (DPS)   


68th Congress of Psychologists of Serbia 


May 27-30, 2020 - Zlatibor, Serbia


The main topic of the upcoming Congress is "Psychology day in, day out":

Everyday problems in practicing psychology and psychological practices in everyday life.

In line with the topic the Serbian Psychological Society and the Program Committee, want this Congress to be an opportunity to exchange views on how to best handle the challenges that regularly occur in our work, and how to use psychological knowledge to achieve palpable improvement in our clients and ourselves


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Croatian Psychological Association (HDP)


22nd Psychology Days in Zadar


May 28-30, 2020 - Zadar, Croatia


The international scientific conference Psychology Days in Zadar has been held in the organization of the Department of Psychology at the University of Zadar for more than 40 years. Recognizing the importance of this Conference – Croatian Psychological Association also started to participate in its organization.


Initially conceived as a regional meeting, it soon outgrew those frames and now it is a reputable international meeting. Its quality was recognized by many participants, whose large responsiveness is an incentive to members of the Department for further improvement in the organization and realization of this event.


Selected papers (after scientific reviews) could be published in a full form in a special Book of selected proceedings, since previous experiences with that publication were positive.


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British Psychological Society (BPS)


BPS Conference 2020 




June, 30 - July, 01, 2020 - Leeds, UK


The conference will push the boundaries of BPS 2020 vision. Are we seeing the challenges ahead clearly? And are we ready?  


To address these questions, and more, we have chosen to focus on three exciting themes:  


 Future generations :

Can psychology provide solutions to the global climate emergency, social injustice and poverty?  

 Workforce of the future:

How will AI affect workers and how can we increase diversity and inclusion?  

 Future research

How can we ensure ethical practice and how will psychologists respond to the challenges of increasing openness and trust in science?


Registration is now open. early bird rate until Monday 20th April, 2020

Submissions are now open and close at 09.00am Monday 30th March 2020


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Portuguese Psychologists Order (OPP)


5th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Order 


July 8-10, 2020 - Lisbon, Portugal


The 5th Congress of the OPP will be a special moment of meeting and sharing between psychologists , but also with other professionals and policy makers, an opportunity to learn a lot about what psychological science has to offer , discuss the main challenges of the profession and dialogue with all those who work directly or indirectly to put psychologists at the service of people, with ever more quality.

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Cyprus Psychologists Association


42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association


Conference theme: “Working with schools & families to strengthen children”


July 14-17, 2020 - Nicosia, Cyprus


The scientific program will consist of thematic sessions that feature symposia, workshops, round table discussions, paper presentations, and poster presentations by international presenters. Distinguished international keynote speakers: SAM GOLDSTEIN (USA), IRENE-ANNA DIAKIDOY (Cyprus), VÍTOR ALEXANDRE COELHO, (Portugal) will share their vision for education in the future and propose their insights from years of research and implementation in promoting learning, thinking, and social emotional functioning among children.  


The call for abstract and the online submission system  will open on November 15th 2019. ISPA 2020 welcomes contributions from scholars, practitioners, trainers, and students in School Psychology and related fields of education and mental health.


Learn from each other and from distinguished scholars, be inspired, network and connect with colleagues from all over the world, and Create bridges of collaboration at the crossroads of civilizations.


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German Society of Psychology (DGP) Austrian Society of Psychology (OGP)


Psychology connects

52nd DGPs Congress / 15th Session of the ÖGP


September 13-17, 2020 -  Vienna, Austria


The motto "Psychology unites" emphasizes the power of integration of our discipline, its many contributions to the cohesion of family, group and society and the psychology-immanent solidarity of basic research and application.   Congress and conference take place in the beautiful main building of the university in the heart of the cosmopolitan city of Vienna.  


Individual workshops may start one day earlier.

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Bulgarian Psychological Society (PDB)


8th National Congress of Psychology in Sofia


November, 3-5, 2020 - Sofia, Bulgaria


It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the work of the largest scientific forum on behalf of the Board of Directors and the Programming and Organizing Committees of the VIII National Congress of Psychology, Sofia, 3-5 November 2017.


The Congress will take place in the building of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski." The congressional program, as well as additional information, can be found on the website of the Bulgarian Psychological Society




Czech Republic


Union of Psychological Associations of the Czech Republic


ICP2020 Rescheduled to 18-23 July 2021!



International Congress of Psychology - ICP 2020


July 18-23, 2021 - Prague, Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology (ICP) is organised every four years. After a long history (the first ICP Congress was held in Paris in 1889), the ICP has become one of the largest international psychological event. Organizers, warmly invite you to participate at the ICP in July 2020, to share scientific results and to exchange opinions – in the spirit of the 'Open Minds, Societies and the World'.


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  Abstract deadline extended till January 19, 2020

The 32nd Scientific Committee is pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for oral, poster presentations and symposia, to be delivered at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology.

Click to submit your abstract 



Upcoming Events EFPA Member Associations 2020.

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