Cyprus Psychologists Association
42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association
Conference theme: “Working with schools & families to strengthen children”
July 14-17, 2020 - Nicosia, Cyprus
The scientific program will consist of thematic sessions that feature symposia, workshops, round table discussions, paper presentations, and poster presentations by international presenters. Distinguished international keynote speakers: SAM GOLDSTEIN (USA), IRENE-ANNA DIAKIDOY (Cyprus), VÍTOR ALEXANDRE COELHO, (Portugal) will share their vision for education in the future and propose their insights from years of research and implementation in promoting learning, thinking, and social emotional functioning among children.
The call for abstract and the online submission system will open on November 15th 2019. ISPA 2020 welcomes contributions from scholars, practitioners, trainers, and students in School Psychology and related fields of education and mental health.
Learn from each other and from distinguished scholars, be inspired, network and connect with colleagues from all over the world, and Create bridges of collaboration at the crossroads of civilizations.