Upcoming Conferences of
Member Associations

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National Psychological Association (NPA)


National Round Table on "Legal regulation of psychological aid in Ukraine: strategy of European and World integration" 


March 23, 2018 - Kiev, Ukraine


The topics to be discussed during this jointly organised round table are :

- Psychological safety of citizens as an important factor of the nation’s mental health;

- Psychological field in Ukraine: necessity for legal regulation and adaptation to the European and world standards;

- Professional self-governance as an effective strategy of psychology development in Ukraine;

- Presentation of application to hold the European semester of the EFPA 2019 in Ukraine.  


More information on NPA's website



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Lithuanian Psychologists' Union  (LPS)


VIIIth Annual Scientific Conference of Psychologists working in the field of Education: "Psychological Aid in the Community of Education: Traditions and Innovations" 


April 12, 2018 - Vilnius, Lithuania


Vilnius University, University of Educational Sciences (LEU), is hosting the VIIIth Annual Scientific Conference of Psychologists working in the field of Education.

This year's program includes reports on the dynamics of student groups, adolescent violence prevention, sex education, the role of adults in children's games, good practice in psychological counseling and supervisors, and other relevant topics.  



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Luxembourgian Psychological Society (SLP.LU)


Training Day - Indirect Work with Children and Teens - The strategic approach to help parents, caregivers and educators 


April 26, 2018 - Luxembourg, GD Luxembourg


This event is organized by the Luxembourg Association of Interactional and Strategic Therapy asbl in collaboration with the Gregory Bateson Institute.

After a short introduction to the methodology specific  to the  brief systemic therapy and strategic , Vincent Gérard will explain how it is possible to help children and teenagers ... without necessarily meeting them.


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Serbian Psychological Society (DPS)


66th Congress of Psychologists of Serbia - "Futurism in psychology – psychology in the zone of future development."


May 30-June 2, 2018 - Zlatibor, Serbia.


The theme of this year’s congress is meant to encourage delving into and thinking about the future of psychology. We will try to anticipate which areas of psychology will become key areas in the future, which subjects we will be dealing with as researchers, which questions and dilemmas we, as experts, will be posing to ourselves, which practical problems we will be trying to solve, and what sciences will be our key allies. These are just some of the subjects which we will have the opportunity of thinking about and dealing with at this year’s congress.

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Hungarian Psychological Association


9th European Conference on Positive Psychology - ECPP 2018


June 27-30, 2018 - Budapest, Hungary


The conference continues the best traditions of the former conferences with a special focus on “Positive psychology for a flourishing Europe in times of transitions”. The main organizers are the European Network of Positive Psychology together with the Hungarian Psychological Association, the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Eötvös Loránd University and the AKCongress.




Portuguese Psychologists Association (OPP)


4th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Association 


September 12-15, 2018 - Braga, Protugal


The 4th Congress of the Portuguese Psychologists Association will be an important moment of affirmation and recognition of Psychology in Portugal. Continuing the trail of the previous ones, this IV Congress will find in the links with other countries, relevant bridges of sharing, where the presence of the Consejo General de la Psicología (COP) and the American Psychological Association (APA) will make it an historic milestone of Psychology in Portugal, in the Iberian Peninsula and in the rest of the world.




Union of Psychological Associations of the Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology - ICP 2020


July 19-24, 2020 - Prague, Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology (ICP) is organised every four years. After a long history, the first ICP Congress was held in Paris in 1889, the ICP has become one of the largest international psychological event. Organizers, warmly invite you to participate at the ICP in July 2020, to share scientific results and to exchange opinions – in the spirit of the ´Open Minds, Societies and the World.´

Upcoming Conferences of Member Associations

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