Upcoming Conferences of
Associate Member Associations


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European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC)
FEPSAC 2022 Padova - challenges and opportunities in a changing world


July 11-16, 2022  - Padova, Italy


16th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Trauma and resilience through the ages: A life course perspective.


On behalf of the University of Padova, FEPSAC, the Italian Society of Sport Psychology and the highly committed organizing and scientific team, we are very pleased to invite you to join the 16th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology in Padova, Italy, July 2022. The topics of the congress are related to sport, exercise and performance psychology and include innovation and inclusiveness in sport and physical exercise from a multidisciplinary perspective.

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European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) 


European Conference of Personality (ECP) - ECP20


July 12-15, 2022 - Madrid, Spain


ECP is a unique opportunity for the international personality community to come together and strengthen our mutual bonds and working relationships. There is nothing as satisfying as sitting down with like-minded peers, and come across ideas for future plans. ECP is a rich source of state-of-the-art ideas and methods in many areas of research. At ECP, you will be inspired by keynotes by leading researchers, but also by thought-provoking talks by early career researchers and direct interactions and discussions with poster presenters. 


Registrations are now open

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Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN)  


August 22-23, 2022 - Berlin, Germany


5th FESN Autumn School 2022


The FESN will organize its 5th Neuropsychology School to be held at the FU Berlin from 22 to 25 August 2022 (Local Organizers: Professor Michael Niedeggen and Ina Nordwald).

The school is aimed at graduate students in their final years of PhD, or early post-docs, as well as clinicians at a comparable level of their career.


First call, preliminary programme and application form can be found now available.

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European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) 


36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society - EHPS2022


August 23-27, 2022 - Bratislava, Slovakia and online


Charting New Territories in Health Psychology  


This year’s conference will be a particularly special event as we reconvene in-person as a Society after two years of virtual conferences. While we aim to welcome as many delegates as possible in Bratislava, we are aware that the Covid-19 pandemic remains uncertain and unpredictable; therefore, we are delighted to offer hybrid options for delegates to participate online/virtually, should they be unable to attend in-person.    


Registration is now OPEN.

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European European Community Psychology Association (ECPA)
ICCP 2022


September 21-24, 2022 - Naples, Italy 


Community Regeneration. Bonds and bridges among people and environments  


This conference will deal with Community Regeneration and the role of environments and social bonds in shaping hopes and opportunities for the well-being for all people. Community Regeneration will be discussed thoroughly, by rendering it as a process and as a strategy that aims to transform and renovate spaces, buildings and services.  


ICCP 2022 will BLENDED. 

The conference will be held both in-person and online.


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European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT) 


EACLIPT 2022 Conference. Clinical psychology now! 


November 11-12, 2022 - Warsaw, Poland


This is a crucial moment to bring together clinical psychologists, academics, researchers and practitioners from around the world. We need to share findings, experiences, and best practices, discuss the latest scientific discoveries and future directions to enable further developments in the field of clinical psychology.

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European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)  


May 24-27, 2023 - Katowice, Poland


EAWOP 2023 - The 21st EAWOP Congress


So much has happened in the last two years that has changed our lives, our work and the ways we think about ourselves and the world in which we live. That is why we came to the decision to focus our congress on the theme “The Future is Now: the changing world of work”. When considering these words, we kept changing our minds about the punctuation. Then we realised that different forms of punctuation were leading us to focus on different facets of the same topic and that our congress theme asks crucial questions about contribution, urgency, and delivery and most definitely represents a call to action from our profession

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European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) 


June 14-17, 2023 - Belfast, Ireland


Belfast ESTSS 2023 conference - 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies


Trauma and resilience through the ages: A life course perspective.


Over the course of the four days, we will explore this theme as it relates to both research and clinical practice through talks, workshops and networking events. We hope that you will bring your skills, knowledge and experience and share it with like-minded individuals, as we all aim to improve the lives of those impacted by trauma and traumatic stress. 

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Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN) 


8th Scientific Meeting of FESN & 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Neuropsychology


September 27-29, 2023 - Thessaloniki, Greece


The meeting  organised by The Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN) and the Hellenic Neuropsychological Society (HNS) will offer world class researchers presenting new data on scientific and clinical topics relevant to neuropsychology as a field, as well as to both research and practice. Specialists in a broad range of areas within neuropsychology and neuroscience, including keynote lectures, invited colloquia, paper and poster presentations will be featured.

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Associate Members Conferences

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