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18th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders


July 4-6, 2019 - Vienna, Austria


This year is expected a lively discussion on treatment resistant depression with new findings on rapid response within a day in TRD. 


There will be overviews of the contribution of inflammation to mood and anxiety disorders and also the link between nutrition and psychiatry. Updates on new antipsychotics in schizophrenia and on the treatment of negative and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia will be presented. New studies on bipolar disorders have helped clarify the issues of treatment of bipolar depression and the associated cognitive impairment. An update on the risks of valproate will question its widespread use. 


There will be sessions on anxiety disorders and a focus on long-term treatment and on comorbidity with alcohol dependence. 

89th International Neuropsychological Society (INS) meeting


July 10-12, 2019 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The International Neuropsychological Society (INS) and the Brazilian Neuropsychology Society (SBNp) are proud to announce their joint congress.


The meeting aims to bring together neuropsychologists from across the globe with the aim of integrating traditional practices in brain and behaviour with cutting edge approaches.


The congress theme, “Back to the roots of Neuropsychology: Tradition and Technology to the Future”, will highlight the many benefits of taking the best of neuropsychology traditions into our future clinical and scientific practices.


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International Association for Relationship Research (IARR)


July 18-21 - Brighton, UK


This International Association for Relationship Research (IARR) mini-conference is focused around the theme of relationship science in applied settings.  


The aim is to bring together up to 150 academics and practitioners with interests in any aspect of relationships, in settings such as the workplace, therapy, classroom, healthcare, family gatherings, Internet dating/matching, and many more.


Like IARR, the organizers want the conference theme and attendees to be broad, interdisciplinary and inclusive, and we also welcome submissions that focus on relationship science that does not have direct or immediate application.

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14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology


July 22-24, 2019 - London, UK


The conference brings together experts from various disciplines to discuss state-of-the-art research on various aspects of child and adolescent psychopathology.

Symposium proposals and abstracts for paper and oral presentations related to the broad domains of children, adolescents, young adults and families are welcomed: (1) Mental Health Problems in Children, Adolescents and Young People; (2) Prevention and Intervention of Mental Health Problems; (3) Education and School-related Issues; (4) Developmental Issues; (5) Health-related Problems among Young People; (6) Cross-cultural Research.


ICCAP2019 is therefore of relevance to researchers and academics who do research with children, young people and their families, as well as to practitioners and policy makers who work within youth mental health, education (schools), social work, and youth justice systems.

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22nd World Congress on Psychology and Behavioral Science


July 31 - August 01, 2019 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Theme: Master the Science of Psyche at Psychology 2019


The conference will entail lively debates, prompt keynote presentations, oral talks, posters presentations, workshops and networking opportunities around a core of plenary and concurrent sessions based on pivotal issues in the Psychology and Human Behaviour sector.


This conference provides a platform for all people in research and students to exchange information on recent technologies in the field of Psychology and Behavioral Science.

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30th International Conference on Adolescent Medicine and Child Psychology 


August 5-6, 2019 - Dublin, Ireland


Improving Psychology to benefit and develop Adolescent Health  


Child Psychology 2019 brings together researchers, eminent investigators, medical practitioners, scientist, professor, eminent speakers and other key people to discuss about the innovative research and to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of Child Psychology and Adolescent Medicine at an international platform.


Organizing Committee also invites young researchers and students to have quick access to the knowledge shared by their peers that might advance their research hence help them to produce community-engaged research that improves the lives of children, adolescents, and families

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33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society


September 3-7, 2019 - Dubrovnik, Croatia


The conference theme is "Individuals and Professionals: Cooperation to Health".  


Important Dates:  

 Submissions open: 1st December, 2018

 State of Art presentation abstract submission: Friday 18th January, 2019

 Abstract submission: 14th February, 2019

 Workshops submissions: 14th February, 2019

 All other presentations: 14th February, 2019

 Acceptance notification: Early May, 2019

 Early bird registration: Until 15th June, 2019

 Conference: 3rd – 7th September, 2019

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10th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association 


"Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy "


September 11-14, 2019 - Naples, Italy


In this conference will be enhanced the vital aspects of psychotherapists work, its artistic and creative feature, since relational and systemic grids are a guarantee of a generative and ethical stance.

Will also be presented the outcomes of purposeful, serious, clinic-based researches.


Important dates:

 15 March: Proposal submission deadline  

 15 April: Proposal evaluation results  

 15 May: Early/Group registration  


June: Preliminary programme announcement

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7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support

September 20-21, 2019 - Vienna, Austria

Most human activities, including sports, are becoming more and more technological. Engineering in general and Information Technology in particular are important in the support for many activities directly or indirectly related to sport sciences, including improvement of physical activities, sports medicine, biotechnology and nutrition, sports management, and all other application areas in sports.

This conference intends to be a meeting point for both academics, sport professionals and practitioners to exchange ideas and develop synergies.  



FEPSAC individual members are entitled to a reduced registration fee

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19th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Psychiatry


October 14-15, 2019 - Warsaw, Poland


"Scientific advancement and exploration in Applied psychology and Psychiatry" 


The 19th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Psychiatry is a unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry, Stress researchers, public health professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange about state of the art research and technologies. The Conference will feature many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed psychiatrists from all over the country.

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1st European Congress on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment of EACLIPT



October 31- November 2, 2019 - Dresden, Germany


The conference theme “No Health without Mental Health - European Clinical Psychology Takes Responsibility” expresses the organisers goal to move mental health into societal focus. Mental disorders are among the most debilitating conditions and clinical psychology offers a wide range of preventive and therapeutic interventions. Discussing these, as well as underlying etiological models will be at the heart of the conference.


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10th Biennial Conference of The International Society For Affective Disorders


“Emerging Mood Science and Clinical Innovation”


November 14-16, 2019 - London, UK


The 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Affective Disorders will take place November 14-16 in London, United Kingdom.

This is a unique multidisciplinary forum for colleagues from around the world to meet and discuss a variety of topics, generating stimulating debates and fruitful collaborations.

Join leading experts and other allied healthcare professionals for this outstanding opportunity to take part in educational sessions and networking opportunities.


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Annual Conference on Mental Health 


November 28-29, 2019 - Paris, France


"Mental Health in a changing world"   


Colloquium LLC is the platform where professionals, scientist and renowned people express and share their knowledge, which provides an innovative information to students and many other people who are suffering from psychological and mental disorders.

This particular conference mainly focuses on psychiatrists and mental health disorders and therapies. This summit dedicates, to the people working in the field of Psychology and Neurology with the theme “Mental Health in a changing society”.

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