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4th International Congress of Clinical And Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents


November 15 - 17, 2018 - Palma de Mallorca, Spain


The mission of this congress is updating child clinical psychologist. Quality care for children’s mental health requires constant updating. The organizers intend to bring the latest knowledge to clinicians and researchers. The collaboration between the different research groups that analyze and evaluate the different psychological disorders in childhood throughout the world is essential in a context of scientific progress. 


ICSP – International Conference on Shared Parenting 2018


November 22 - 23, 2018 - Strasbourg, France


The conference intends to report how, within judicial systems and social work practices, both parents are recognized as vital in their children’s lives, even after separation and divorce. It will explore how shared parenting seems a means for keeping with the principles and articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thus, a focus of the conference is to stress how shared parenting, viewed as in the best interests of children of separated parents, is a crucial issue for practitioners and policymakers around the globe, regarding the alignment of national law and practices with the articles of the UN CRC.


2019 World Family Therapy Congress


March 28-30, 2019 - Aberdeen, Scotland


The 2019 Congress will celebrate the evolution of family therapy around the world.  The Congress will focus on interactional methodologies for working with families and how those changes impact the families with which therapists work.  The 2019 Congress, like all IFTA Congresses, will also feature many approaches to a variety of problems and ways of coping with them. The congress aims to help heal hurting couples and families in various cultures.


3rd World Conference on Personality – WAPP2019


April 2 - 6, 2019 - Hanoi, Vietnam


This conference will bring together personality psychologists and psychologists with an interest in personality from the various regions of the world to fully display the different perspectives on personality as pursued in different cultures, to stimulate further cooperation across the cultural borders, and to facilitate the commencement of new research-lines in the field. 


Abstract submission welcomed. Submission deadline: 15 December 2018

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WABF 2019 - World Anti-Bullying Forum


June 4-6, 2019 - Dublin, Ireland


The aim of this unique international and multidisciplinary forum is to broaden our understanding of bullying and to create a stronger bridge between the disciplines, and spread knowledge to more practitioners, researchers and decision-makers around the world. The overall goal is to create even more effective approaches to tackling bullying and allow every child and young person the right to grow up without being bullied, ostracized or discriminated against. 

Call for abstract is now open!


Abstract submissions are welcome for consideration for the 2nd World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF 2019) which will be held in Dublin, Ireland, on 4 – 6th June 2019. Abstracts that bring together perspectives from different disciplines and areas are particularly welcome.


The deadline for submissions is November 15 2018


Click here for submission guidelines 

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