Upcoming Conferences of
Member Associations

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Serbian Psychological Society (DPS)


67th Congress of Psychologists of Serbia


May 22-25, 2019 - Zlatibor, Serbia


The topic of this year's Congress - Psychology in the New Age: The challenges of (re)humanization, among other things, encourages us to consider the challenges that psychology as a profession is facing due to the new age and its focus on technology, HR management which is often reduced to jobs that are far from human approach, domination of administration over paying attention on humans, orientation toward hedonism and extrinsic forms of success over exploring human feelings and searching for the genuine human values etc.

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Norsk Psykologforening


Psychology Prize 2019


May 23, 2019 - Bergen, Norway


The psychologist prize is instituted by the Norwegian Psychological Association's central government and is awarded to psychologists / organizations who show in particular how practical use of psychological knowledge can benefit people.


The prize is awarded to a single psychologist or to a workgroup / organization where psychologist(s) has had a prominent role. The effort should be out of the ordinary and worth emphasizing as an example of good psychology work.


The prize should be awarded both for daily work and for work done over time.


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Hungarian Psychological Association


Annual Conference 2019 – “Cohesive Diversity”


May 30 - June 1, 2019 - Debrecen, Hungary


The Annual Conference of Hungarian Psychological Association is Hungary's largest psychological scientific forum, which allows professionals from different parts of the country to meet, present their new research results, exchange of views and co-operate with cross-border professionals and associates. It is a special pleasure for us to have the University of Debrecen joining the event venues of the Annual Conference. The organizers in the Institute of Psychology of the University of Debrecen welcome all interested professionals in their campus. More information is on the website. Complete program soon to be published.

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GD Luxembourg


Luxembourgish Psychological Society (SLP.Lu)


2nd Annual Summer School on Cultural Psychology


June 18-20, 2019


Co-organized by Isabelle Albert, Thomas Boll, Elke Murdock and Jaan Valsiner.  

The topic of this year’s summer school will be “Cultural psychology and human development in the life course”.

This year edition will look at the processes and concepts of aging through the lens of culture. In particular, it will address the concepts of culture, positive aging, autonomy, and care.

As part of the summer school will be introduced the Dieter Ferring Memorial Lecture and the inaugural lecture will be given by Prof Hans-Werner Wahl on the Topic: Can We All Age Successfully? Behavioral, Care-related, and Cultural Reflections.

The summer school is open to international doctoral students and is free of charge (participants are however expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs).


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GD Luxembourg


Luxembourgish Psychological Society (SLP.Lu)


Introductory seminar: The use of bio and neurofeedback in psychological rehabilitation 


June 25-26, 2019 - Luxembourg, Luxembourg


The Luxembourgish Psychological Society organizes a two days introductory seminar on “The use of bio and neurofeedback in psychological rehabilitation”


On day 1, will be made a short introduction to the human brain - how the world is perceived by the neuronal hardware, followed by practice – hands on different hard- and software system.

On day 2, different trainings protocols for Bio- and Neurofeedback session will be introduced.


Speaker : phil. Axel Kowalski, Diplom-Psychologist / NeuroFit GmbH www.neurofit-akademie.de

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Consejo General de la Psicologia 


IV National Congress of Psychology : "Nothing of the psychological is alien to us"


July 21-24, 2019 - Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain


The IV National Congress of Psychology and the International Symposium in Psychological Prevention, will be an opportunity to attend different programmed activities such as conferences, invited symposia, state of art and invited workshops.


To allow networking and share of knowledge among attendees in a relaxed and informal environment, the Congress has different Social Events.  


Call for submissions of symposiums, round tables, oral communications and posters is open.


More info on the website.   Complete Program soon to be published.

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Slovenian Psychologists Association (DPS)


8th international congress of psychologists of Slovenia


September 19-21, 2019 - Zreče, Slovenia


The central theme of the Congress “Expressions of Violence – Challenges for Psychology” is dedicated to various forms of violence and aggressive behavior that cover many aspects of our everyday life.

The goal of the Congress is to create a link between the academia, practitioners, students. Respected experts from abroad will join to share their knowledge, experience and present the results of their scientific and professional work.


Czech Republic


Union of Psychological Associations of the Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology - ICP 2020


July 19-24, 2020 - Prague, Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology (ICP) is organised every four years. After a long history, the first ICP Congress was held in Paris in 1889, the ICP has become one of the largest international psychological event. Organizers, warmly invite you to participate at the ICP in July 2020, to share scientific results and to exchange opinions – in the spirit of the 'Open Minds, Societies and the World'.

Upcoming Events EFPA Member Assocaiations

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