



International Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) MENTUPP Policy Brief

On the occasion of International Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) happening annually on 1st March, the MENTUPP Consortium has released a Policy Brief that strongly supports this important date by raising awareness for mental health in the workplace. 


Aligned with the mission of SIAD, one of the goals of MENTUPP is to prevent self-harm and suicide. In our Policy Brief, we are emphasizing the importance of healthy workplaces for mental wellbeing. We also provide recommendations to governments and policymakers to take proactive steps towards preventing self-harm.


  • WHO News:
    Ukraine Mental Health Initiative

    December 9, 2022


    The World Health Organisation in Europe reports that a WHO supported roadmap on mental health and psychosocial support of populations in Ukraine during and beyond the war has been presented and endorsed at a high-level meeting in Ukraine. 


    The operational roadmap entitled “Ukrainian Prioritized Multisectoral Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Actions During and After the War” sets out priority actions and principles in the field of mental health and psychosocial support in different sectors – including health, social work and education. It presents priority actions aimed at various population groups including veterans and their families, internally displaced people, people with disabilities, people who have experienced gender-based violence, people who have suffered from landmines and other groups. 


    The roadmap also includes resources and a list of evidence-based interventions and services for mental health and psychosocial support that have been adapted to the context of Ukraine over the last few years.

    Read the full story here 

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  • Gaming for mental health: Impact of a digital game in young
    refugees when implemented as a psychosocial support
    program enhanced by peer support.

    Dr. Solfrid Raknes,
    Clinical Psychologist and Psychosocial Program Developer - EFPA Board of Prevention and Promotion.

    Addressing the growing mental health crisis among young people, exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasing number of refugees, we implemented The Helping Hand (HH) digital game as a blended learning group based program. After developing a digital mental health game for adolescents, we used mixed-methods to study the impact of this game on Syrian refugees growing up in poverty in Lebanon. In five cycles from spring 2021 to summer 2022, 125 groups of Syrian displaced adolescents (N=1,234) aged 12 – 17 years were recruited from tented settlements and non-formal education centers to participate in a 10-session program based on the Helping Hand. Adolescents were invited regardless of their mental health symptoms. 


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  • Psychological Assessment for the Safety and Health
    of Transport Workers.

    At the European Congress of Psychology held in Ljubljana a topic regarded the psychological fitness in tasks and conditions for activities involving safety and health in working places.  This issue was specifically related to the enlargement of professional psychology for the assessment of workers' competencies in railway and air enterprises. This text was issued by the CNOP (Italian National Council of Psychologists Order), an institution State subsidiary, that represents all the professional psychologists in Italy, in collaboration with the scientific societies AIP (Italian Association of Psychology) and SIPLO (Italian Society of Occupational and Organizational Psychology). The evolution of many work tasks and attention to mental health, as well as the protection of collective safety, have suggested the divulgation of an e-book.


    As can be seen from the literature and experiences, strong changes are taking place in production processes (computerization and automation, change of employees by age and cultural origin, job insecurity, etc.) also affected by the consequences of the pandemic and the economic crisis. On the other hand, the reference literature suggests that anxious depression will be the most widespread psychic pathology by 2030, together with the mental consequences of the use of psychoactive substances (including illicit ones) in the workplace.


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ICP 2024 July 21-26 in Prague:
Emerging Psychologists’ Programme - Call for applications

ICP 2024 will feature an Emerging Psychologists’ Programme as an integral part of the scientific programme. The Emerging Psychologists’ Programme is intended to enhance communication between Emerging Psychologists from different countries and diverse cultural backgrounds, to promote exchange of knowledge between established and younger scientists, and to help younger scientists acquire new insights into specific fields of psychology and psychology in general.


Who is eligible to apply for EPP?

Those who are working on their PhD thesis or are on a postdoctoral fellowship and want to become leading scholars in psychology. Please follow the updated information regarding application and guidelines on the ICP 2024 website and social media.

Applications, including all documents, should be submitted by email to secretariat@icp2024.com by July 1st, 2023.

Incomplete documentation will not be processed.


Download Call for Applications 




World Mental Health Report:

Transforming Mental Health for All

January 6, 2023


Mental health is critically important to everyone, everywhere. All over the world, mental health needs are high but responses are insufficient and inadequate. This “World Mental Health Report” is designed to inspire and inform better mental health for all. Drawing on the latest evidence available, showcasing examples of good practice from around the world, and voicing people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most needed and how it can best be achieved. It calls on all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to mental health, reshape the environments that influence mental health, and strengthen the systems that care for mental health.


Download the report here 


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