Upcoming conferences of
Member Associations


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Spanish Psychological Association - COP

promotes and organizes  the II International Congress of Psychology of Labor and Human Resources.



March 1-3, 2018 -  Valencia, Spain


Under the slogan "Because companies are people" , the COPCV Col·legi Officer Psicòlegs Valencia and the General Council of the Psychology of Spain organize this Congress with the aim of emphasizing the more practical aspects, demonstrated and validated on how Psychology has become an essential element of business strategy and the basis for competitiveness, innovation and entrepreneurship and social growth.



Upcoming Conferences EFPA Associate Members




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International Association of Applied Psychology

June 26 - 30, 2018 - Quebec, Canada


Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions


The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, will serve as the venue for the CPA’s 79th Annual General Meeting and Convention. CPA members will be welcome to submit as usual according to one’s given section/program area of interest and are encouraged to attend the CPA’s Annual General Meeting scheduled for Friday June 29, 2018.









ICSP – International Conference on Shared Parenting 2018


November 22 - 23 ,2018 - Strasbourg, France


The fourth International Conference on Shared Parenting will be held in Strasbourg on November 22 and 23, 2018. Specialists in the field of shared parenting – representing both the academic sciences and the legal and family professions – are invited to present their research results and professional practice accounts at this interdisciplinary conference.

The theme of this conference will be “Shared Parenting, Social Justice and Children´s Rights”






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