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ESCoP – European Society for Cognitive Psychology

September 3 - 6, 2017 - Potsdam, Germany



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ISQOLS - 15th Annual meeting of the International Society for Quality-of-Life studies

September 28 - 30, 2017 - Innsbruck, Austria


 Quality of life: towards a better society 


It is an interdisciplinary conference, with psychology at the heart of it. ISQOLS secured top keynote speakers to discuss the topic from various viewpoints (psychology, sociology, economics, policy). Prof. John Helliwell: the world happiness report, Prof. Richard Layard: thrive - the power of psychological therapy, Prof. Richard Wilkinson: Inequality and Sustainable Wellbeing,  Prof. Antonella Della Fave: Positive Psychology,...

Deadline call for Abstracts: February 14th, 2017

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WPA -  5th International conference Psychotraumatology and Mediation

November 22 - 24, 2017 - Geneva, Switzerland


The theme of the 5th conference deals with fundamental rights on the plight of War Victims. These victims result in a migration flow that exceeds the carrying capacity of developed and undeveloped countries, which enjoy at the moment some peace and an enviable economic stability. Faced with excess of suffering in the migration patterns of refugees recorded these last years and growing uncertainty in countries with armed conflicts, uncertainty about the political and economic future, agitation and fears are increasing in countries. The overall objective of this conference is to boost the knowledge and know how internationally in the field of Psychotraumatology, Mediation and Conflict management, Education, Humanitarian intervention and Research in all aspects. 

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