Psychological Support for Ukraine

 What's new?     

07.11.2022 -

MHE Publishes Paper on Mental health and geopolitical crises: Ukraine and beyond

-  5. Supporting refugees 
   05.09.2022  -

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support network (MHPSS) resources

 - 3. Psychological tools for psychologists’ use   
05.09.2022 -

Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis (Polish Version) Advocacy Package, IASC Guidelines on MHPSS in Emergency Setting

- 4. Supporting people to manage the psychological impact of war 
05.09.2022 -

Psychosocial Support and Social (PSS) and Emotional Learning (SEL) in EiE (Eduction in Emergencies) toolkit

- 4. Supporting people to manage the psychological impact of war 
   05.09.2022  -

Psychological First Aid for Children II: Dealing With Traumatic Responses in Children

4. Supporting people to manage the psychological impact of war 

EFPA hub - Psychological support for Ukraine

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