1. What are the highlights from your time on the EAC?
The first highlight that comes to mind is the publication of the book on EuroPsy ( ...) With four academics writing together, there were bound to be differences of opinion and debates. Read more in popup
2. What do you think EuroPsy has achieved in the past eight years?
In a sense, these years EAC has been reaping the harvest of all the work in setting up the project that had happened during the years before. Still, the implementation of EuroPsy was not always straightforward. Read more in pop-up
3. What hopes do you have for the future of EuroPsy in Europe?
During the development of EuroPsy, much of the focus was on what individual psychologists would gain from the Certificate and what information they would be allowed to provide in the Register.
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Prof. dr. Y.H. Poortinga
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