EFPA's Corner

News from the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations

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Welcome to the December edition of EFPA’s News Magazine


Welcome to the EFPA News Magazine of December 2018. With this magazine, we aim to stimulate the exchange of all relevant news and information among our member associations.


As we are looking forward to winter festivities, this December edition provides some updated information regarding our EFPA congress, the 16th European Congress of Psychology (July 2 - 5 in Moscow). Also, we highlight, among others, Human Rights Day of December 10 and how it was celebrated by our member associations.


New in this magazine: we proudly present Q & A's with two prominent members that are leaving  the EuroPsy European Awarding Committee about their experience and vision for the EuroPsy. Furthermore, this magazine also features a retrospect to the European Semester of Psychology from the UK (2018) as well as from Czech Republic (2017). 


Enjoy the December edition of our News Magazine. We wish you a very warm Christmas and we hope to hear from you soon in the New Year! 

The editorial board. 
 news@efpa.eu 


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16th European Congress of Psychology
Moscow, Russia, 2-5 July 2019

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ECP 2019 Moscow:

Call for abstracts


Good news from the ECP 2019 Moscow congress organisers: 

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been prolonged till December 15, 2018. 

Notification of acceptance from the Scientific Committee remains fixed on February 4, 2019.

Important deadlines:

Submission abstracts:
December 15, 2018.

Notification of acceptance from the Scientific Committee remains fixed on February 4, 2019.

Early bird registration:
April 1, 2019.  


Registration and fee:

The registration through the website is open now  

Early bird registration ending April 1, 2019. The early bird registration fee for an EFPA member association delegate is € 350.
The list of the registration fees can be found here 

What are the unique features of ECP 2019 which you can’t miss?

  1. "Psychology: creating the future together” – is the main Congress theme talking about ways psychology can establish productive relations with other sciences, contributing to the issues of society, education, health, digital future and security. There will also be many cross-disciplinary researches presented as part of scientific program.

 2. ECP2019 keynotes, more than 20 of distinguished researchers and practitioners have confirmed their attendance and presentations talking about important issues which society faces nowadays.

 3. Publishing opportunities. ECP 2019 will provide opportunity to publish extended abstracts (short articles) in Web of Science and SCOPUS indexed journals, partners of ECP2019 and the Russian Psychological Society.

 4. Simultaneous translation (Russian-English) will be provided for selected sessions and presentations, so the participants will be able to better understand each other.

 5. It is the first time the ECP takes place in Moscow, Russia and there will be pre- and post-congress tours organized to the nearby cities including Saint Petersburg and the Golden Ring cities, including an attractive Moscow City tours.

 6. Special terms of support will be arranged for ECP2019 attendees, easing up Russian visa issue procedures.

 7. Registration fees. Significant discounts will be provided for EFPA member Associations Delegates and students, and the early-bird rates are available till 1 April 2019.

ECP website  

November 20: Universal Children’s Day: 
‘Let’s turn the world blue!' 


EFPA, the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, highlights the role of psychologists and psychological science in addressing violence in the schools effectively and efficiently.


On November 20th, countries all over the world are celebrating the Universal Children’s Day. This year, the world is going blue to highlight that we care for every single child’s safety in school – safe from every type of harm, safe to explore, pursue, and fulfil their potential.


More information on the EFPA website  

 Psychologists care and can help to #ENDviolence in schools. 


(Click on image to view enlarged)

      See how our member associations have celebrated

the Universal Chrildren's Day of November 20:      
(Texts link to external websites.)

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 H βία στα σχολεία μπορεί να πάρει πολλές μορφές. Παρεμποδίζει τη μάθηση, την υγειή ανάπτηξη των παιδιών και παραβιάζει κάθε τους ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα.
Οι ψυχολόγοι βρίσκονται σε προνομιούχα θέση με τις γνώσεις και δεξιοτητες τους ώστε να μπορούν όχι μόνο να αναγνωρίσουν τη βία, αλλά και να βοηθήσουν στην προστασία των παιδιών και στην πρόληψη της βίας.   

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Konferencija „Lietuvos tarptautiniai įsipareigojimai vaikams – ar pastebime pažangą?“ Šiuo metu vyksta Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaigos kartu su Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Žmogaus teisių komitetu organizuojama konferencija „Lietuvos tarptautiniai įsipareigojimai vaikams – ar pastebime pažangą?“.   

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United Kingdom:

Society responds to the publication of the Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017 report.
The report, published on November 22, shows an increase in the prevalence of mental health issues amongst children and young people.  

25th of November:
Worldwide International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women

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The EU has assessed that psychological violence against women in close relationships affects about 43% of the female population, in addition/cumulative with physical and sexual violence whose impact is assessed by the WHO for around 30%.


EFPA, the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations together with ECPA, the European Association of Community Psychology and the Standing Committee on Community Psychology, join the UN in celebrating the 25th of November as a worldwide International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women.


Read the full article on the EFPA-website   

      See how our member associations have celebrated
the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women: 
     

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SIPCO Società Italiana di Psicologia di Comunità

"Elimination of Gender Violence against women and girls" Condividiamo con piacere la dichiarazione congiunta di European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) con l'ECPA, l'Associazione europea di Psicologia della Comunità, per il 25 novembre come giornata mondiale internazionale per l'eliminazione della #violenza contro le #donne.  

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Lapkričio 25 d. minima Tarptautinė kovos su smurtu prieš moteris diena. Europos sąjungos duomenimis, 43 proc. moterų artimuose santykiuose patiria psichologinį smurtą, apie 30 proc. moterų – kartu fizinį ar seksualinį smurtą, kurio poveikis yra nustatytas Pasaulinės sveikatos organizacijos.

Europos psichologų asociacijų federacija (EFPA) kartu su Europos bendruomenės psichologijos asociacija (ECPA) ir Benduomenės psichologijos komitetu (Standing committee on Community Psychology) prisijungia prie Jungtinių tautų lapkričio 25 d. minint tarptautinę smurto prieš moteris panaikinimo dieną 

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ŞİDDET, TOPLUMUN RUH SAĞLIĞINI ETKİLEYEN BİR KAMU SORUNUDUR. 25 Kasım 1960 tarihinde Dominik Cumhuriyeti’nde askeri diktatörlük tarafından cinsel saldırı ile katledilen Mirabel Kardeşlerin anısına 25 Kasım, Birleşmiş Milletler kararıyla “Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü” olarak ilan edilmiştir.
Bireyin hak ve özgürlüklerini ihlal eden; bedensel ve ruhsal bütünlüğünü örseleyen bir müdahaleye dönüşen şiddet; fiziksel, psikolojik, cinsel, ekonomik, dijital vb. pek çok biçimde ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Maruz bırakıldığı kişide çaresizlik, korku, utanç, suçluluk, güvensizlik gibi zorlantılı hislerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olan şiddetin, bireyden topluma geniş etkileri göz önüne alındığında multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla ele alınması gereken bir kamu sorunu olduğu görülmektedir.  

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The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is held every year on the 25th of November and aims to the fulfillment of women and girls’ human rights.

The UN General Assembly (1993) defined violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life."  

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Presidents’ council meeting on Nov 16, 2018 in Nicosia.

On the occasion of the European Semester of Psychology, organised by our colleagues from Cyprus, the presidents met at their half yearly meeting in Nicosia. 
Main discussion was the evaluation of the EFPA structure. The last two years EFPA has discussed some key challenges in the organisation that needed to be resolved. One of them is the structure within our organisation, which seems to be not flexible enough to deal with the actual problems that are affecting our profession directly or indirectly. The result of this discussion will be documented in a paper with recommendations, proposals etc.. which needs to presented to the General Assembly in July 2019. Thank you again to our Cypriot colleagues who were wonderful hosts!


Convenors meeting at EFPA HO on Dec 7, 2018


On Dec 7, 2018 the Executive council met the convenors of nearly all EFPA groups in Brussels. EFPA’s executive council invited the convenors to discuss several items like the cooperation between groups, experiences with the European Semester of Psychology, preparations for symposia and round tables at the ECP 2019 in Moscow, internal communication etc.. Actually nearly 300 volunteers are working in 16 working groups and the Executive council is preparing an evaluation of the EFPA structure and encouraged the convenors to contribute to this discussion with their experiences and proposals. A final paper will be presented the General Assembly in July in Moscow.

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From left to the right 1st row: Magda Rooze, Ioulia Papageorgi, Frieder Lang, Laura Hokkanen, Ulrike De Ponte, Telmo Baptista, Bruna Zani, Christopher Arnold, Tony Wainwright, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Eleni Karayianni, Julie Van den Borre, Ivana Marinovic.

In the back: Henk Geertsema, Ulrich Wagner, Daryl O’Connor, Tor Levin Hofgaard, Christoph Steinebach, Jens Schade, Robertas Povilaitis, Maria Karekla, Nicholas Carr, Josip Lopizic, Sabine Steyaert.

EFPA’s Corner in EFPA News Magazine 2018.

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