Upcoming Conferences of
Member Associations

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Please note that due to current situation with regard to COVID, events could be cancelled, rescheduled or replaced by online meetings.


More information can be obtained from the organiser.

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Fédération Française des Psychologues et de Psychologie (FFPP)


Webinar : from cyberpsychology to teleconsultation 


March, 13, 2021 - Online


The issues related to cyberpsychology are numerous and important. as a field of research, it has not yet acquired the extension in France and the visibility it enjoys in Anglo-Saxon countries, in particular in United States and Canada. Scientific work concerns all subdomains of psychology and often calls for an approach interdisciplinary. However, they reflect an evolution extremely rapid practices of psychologists and organizations of psychologists are clearly behind schedule in dealing with it. 

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Lithuanian Psychological Association


International annual congress of psychologists "Experience without Borders" 


April 19-24, 2021 - Virtual, Lithuania


The organizers of the congress aim to bring together Lithuanian psychologists and all those who are interested in psychological topics in an interactive way and to invite them to get acquainted with the knowledge acquired in other countries. At the international event, it will be possible to hear the reports of famous foreign visiting scientists and practitioners. We sincerely invite psychologists, scientists and practitioners, and all those who are interested in the actualities of psychology, to participate in the congress.


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Berufsverband Österreichischer Psychologinnen (BOP)


6th International Conference -From FEAR to TRUST to COOPERATION 


May 13-15, 2021 - Linz, Austria



New Authority & Non Violent Resistance in Human Relations and Society  


The aim of the conference is to show ways and means off how we can take fears seriously, overcome them, prevent tendencies of retreat and isolation and ensure that we open ourselves to others and treat each other with consideration.   The conference wants to bring together and discuss the conditions necessary for cooperation to enable us to connect with each other in a trusting way, to stand up with respect and resolution for values and issues that are important to us.

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Cyprus Psychologists' Association (CYPSA)


International School Psychology Association (ISPA ) 2021 Conference  is  going HYBRID!


July 13-16, 2021 - Nicosia, Cyprus


Theme : “Working with schools and families to strengthen children”


Adjustments and novelties will be introduced to accommodate for a hybrid format but all the valued key components of ISPA conferences will be incorporated including: Exciting Pre-Conference half-day Workshops on July 13th 2021 (ISPA and NASP Approved), keynote presentations, paper, symposia, and poster sessions, interactive sessions, such as workshops and roundtable discussions, networking sessions such as interaction groups and coffee breaks, ISPA traditions such as opening and closing ceremonies, and ISPA committees, special interest groups, general assembly etc.


 Registration is now open again!

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Czech Republic

Union of Psychological Associations of the Czech Republic


ICP2020+ will be a Hybrid event


International Congress of Psychology - ICP 2020


July 18-23, 2021 - Prague, Czech Republic


The theme of the congress:  Psychology in the 21st Century: Open minds, societies and World is timely and relevant to us all.

The congress is organised by Czech-Moravian Psychological Society (CMPS) and will be held at the Prague Congress Centre. Our Czech hosts are creating an exciting scientific and social experience of the highest quality and significance, in a magnificent cultural environment boasting many World Heritage sites, including the largest castle complex in the world.


Upcoming Events EFPA Member Associations 2021.

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