Upcoming Conferences of
Associate Member Associations



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Please note that due to current situation with regard to COVID-19, events could be cancelled, rescheduled or replaced by online meetings.


More information can be obtained from the organiser.

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European Community Psychology Association (ECPA) 


WEBINAR Contrasting gender violence: a community psychology perspective


November 26, 2020 , 5pm (CET Time)


Webinar with Caterina Arcidiacono.


This webinar is aimed to present a community psychology vision of sexual and gender violence against women. In the frame of the Istanbul convention, there is the need to recall meanings and procedures in an ecological approach to gender violence (Di Napoli et al, 2019). Frequently psychologists are deepening the individual or at least the systemic perspective, but are not taking into account all the implications of the joint effects of cultural, organizational relational and individual impact of this phenomenon.


Participation is free of charge.


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European Federation of  Psychology teachers' Associations


One year later than planned!


April 15-18, 2021 - Bratislava, Slovakia


The title encapsulates a theme that has gained much prominence in recent years: Psychology for every day: promoting life skills through the teaching of psychology.


The programme will feature keynote speakers and a range of workshops led by participants from many European countries, and all with a strong focus on psychology teaching for young people in schools, up to age 18-19 years. 



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European Community Psychology Association (ECPA) 


11th European Conference of Community Psychology ECCP2021 in Oslo

  Second Call for abstracts


June 06, 2021


With this call the organizers are inviting researchers, practitioners, students, activists, writers and scholars in Community Psychology, to present their work under the conference title:


 What can Community Psychology do for Europe and beyond? - Social capital, competencies, values and critical visions for future communities 


Thematic areas for the submissions onf abstracts can be found on the conference website.

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Upcoming Events of EFPA Associate Members Associations 2020.

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