Upcoming Conferences of
Member Associations

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Please note that due to current situation with regard to COVID-19, events could be cancelled , rescheduled or replaced by online meetings.


More information can be obtained from the organiser.

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Croatian Psychological Association (HDP)


22nd Psychology Days in Zadar


October 1-3, 2020 - Zadar, Croatia


Given the current favorable epidemiological situation in Croatia, the Organizing Committee XXII. Days of Psychology in Zadar decided that the conference will be held from 1 to 3 October 2020 at the University of Zadar . During the conference, all the regulations and recommendations for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus determined by the Croatian Institute of Public Health will be taken into account. 


Detailed information about the meeting can be found on the website.

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Cyprus Psychologists Association


42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association


Conference theme: “Working with schools & families to strengthen children”



July 13-16, 2021 - Nicosia, Cyprus


The scientific program will consist of thematic sessions that feature symposia, workshops, round table discussions, paper presentations, and poster presentations by international presenters. Distinguished international keynote speakers: SAM GOLDSTEIN (USA), IRENE-ANNA DIAKIDOY (Cyprus), VÍTOR ALEXANDRE COELHO, (Portugal) will share their vision for education in the future and propose their insights from years of research and implementation in promoting learning, thinking, and social emotional functioning among children.  


The review of abstracts submitted for ISPA 2020 is under way and final decisions will be emailed to authors by April 10th 2020. All accepted submissions will be rolled over to the ISPA 2021


Read more about registrations and local arrangement with conference organiseron teh conference website. 


Czech Republic


Union of Psychological Associations of the Czech Republic


ICP2020 Rescheduled to 18-23 July 2021!



International Congress of Psychology - ICP 2020


July 18-23, 2021 - Prague, Czech Republic


International Congress of Psychology (ICP) is organised every four years. After a long history (the first ICP Congress was held in Paris in 1889), the ICP has become one of the largest international psychological event. Organizers, warmly invite you to participate at the ICP in July 2020, to share scientific results and to exchange opinions – in the spirit of the 'Open Minds, Societies and the World'.


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  Please note: if your abstract has already been accepted, please do not submit it again; all accepted abstracts have been transferred to icp2020+


The organizers of the 32nd ICP welcome the submissions of abstracts for original contributions to the field in the ICP 2020+ thematic areas.


Click to submit your abstract 




Upcoming Events EFPA Member Associations 2020.

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